Tony: Performing artist

In this Polaroid photo I am seated on the couch playing guitar during a party I had. I love this photo because it does a great job illustrating this aspect of my life, which keep good company and enjoy good music, as well as not to forget to take it easy from time to time. I carry this Photo around with me in my wallet everyday and it serves as a perfect reminder that life is not as serious as it can often seem.

In this Polaroid,  Sitting atop the hill is Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. I had the pleasure of actually taking this photo with a camera from a bridge that crosses over a waterfall and river. This photo is significant for a number of reasons but the main one being, is this castle was built by king Ludwig II and he was considered mad for doing so, but this castle is the very one that inspired Walt Disney.

so despite the people of his time thinking he was crazy he built something awesome which is a constant reminder to myself that regardless of peoples opinions I should build my own metaphorical castle.

In this Polaroid, I am at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. This photo also has a great deal of significance for a multitude of reasonings, but I included it for one particular reason. Ascending was quite scary actual to this day I'm surprised that its still standing after all its been through. It took roughly 2 years to build and was only meant to stand for 20. but has since exceeded that.

      When standing up there you can see all of Paris, including the Arch but being up that high gives you a new perspective on things and also serves as a constant reminder that perception varies from person to person, some can see for miles while others cant see past their own nose. Knowing that has been extremely helpful in life. its all about perspective which is unique to everyone.

Here is a scanning of a Flimsy pick I own, Now this is not just a run of the mill pick, it has significance to it. different sizes of picks serve different purposes, as for this guy, strumming is the main functionality, strumming also invokes certain styles and feelings. As for me typically I like strumming because the vibrations and the way it resonates with the sound of the guitar, its very fun to harmonize with. but lastly the more profound reason I choose this pick is because of its flimsy nature. sometimes in life its the rigid things that burst of crack, but things that bend do not break, the adaptability of this little guy is extraordinary and profound.

This is a scanning of a much much thicker pick, The lesson of the previous pick was in its flexibility however the opposite is the case with this guy. just like in life things that don't bend break so being adaptable is necessary but at other times its the hard rigid foundation that maintains our integrity and solidify who we are as individuals. As is such with this pick, it can strum but not to the ease of the last pick, but this picks stiffness also for far more accurate individual string plucking which is a must in guitar playing so i decided to present both picks for their varying uses, essentially they're just picks but its two sides of the same coin