Connor Welch

Whose this guy again?

Connor Welch is a twenty year old turning twenty one on september twenty-ninth. He hopes to one day not screw up everything he does. So far he is very far from that goal.

Take for instance today, 08/30/19. Connor was told that DMT was meeting in the lab on friday, yet he went to the original room anyway. The original room had a sign that said a diffrent class that was normally meeting there was going to be held in another hall. Connor did not notice that it said it was a diffrent class. So he went all the way to the other hall only to find an empty room. After spending an hour asking for help and going back and fourth between empty rooms he finally had the bright idea to check his schedule. There he found that DMT was meeting, as was already stated, in the computer lab. After beating himself up over it he quickly made his way to the correct room.


If anything where to sum up the man Connor Welch, it would be this short story. He's doing his best, really he is!

Please refrain from refering to Connor as any of the following

He knows this information so reminding him is pointless.

What Connor hopes to create.