John Duffy- Duff Studios CEO

John Duffy is the founder and CEO of Duff Studios. Duff studios was created out Johns pursuit to create a platform in which users would be provided access to the best animatic graphics, games and clips. Growing up in North Jersey and having a insterest in game design and animation. John went to California University of Pennsylvania, where he majored and graduated with a bachelors degree in Digital Media Technology. After graduating, John had worked with many companies and organizations before creating the platform Duff Studios.


Moving Forward

Duff Studios hopes to branch out and continue to create an immersive fun website for users to use. We will continue to create games and animatic clips and graphics that will grab users attentions and help them express themselves in fun, creative ways. As we progress so will our platform in a multitude of ways to keep up and ease user activity. Here at Duff Studios we want to provide the best for users and with this platform we will continue to do so in the best ways we can.
