More about myself

a picture of myself drumming

All my life I have been passionate about music. I grew up listening to a lot of the big metal and rock bands that my dad grew up with and I always found music so interesting. I had started to show interest in wanting to learn how to play an instrument, and I was gifted with my first drum set when I was about 10 years old. I've been playing drums for about 12 years now, and along the way I picked up some other instruments such as guitar, bass guitar, piano, and trombone.

As of 2019, I play drums in two metal bands. My first band, Bakasura, has released an EP and some singles since its creation, and the experience has been very fun and very insightful. I have learned what starting a new small "business" is like and how much hard work is necessary to achieve goals working in music. Not only has the band taught me more about the businiess aspects of music, but it has also helped me become a better songwriter.

In addition to my own personal experiences working in music, I attended California University of Pennsylvania and studied in their Commercial Music Technology program. The program taught me the ins and outs of working with audio equipment in a live and studio environment. Going to school and going through this program really helped me grow as a musician and audio engineer and also helped lay the foundation for the standard my studio operates on.

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