818 Studio

What is 818 Studio?

818 Studio was created with the intention of helping artists reach their truest and fullest potential. Our goal is to create an environment that is judge free and supportive in the process of creating music. We work alongside artists to make sure they achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.

With state-of-the-art recording equipment and instruments ready to use, we provide our artists with everything they would need to create music. We have incredibly talented sound engineers, songwriters, and more to help create the sound you want! Everything you need is here in our studio.

What we do

Our studio provides the following in our sessions, vocal tracking, mixing, mastering, marketing, and connections. One of the most important aspects of this industry is the connections you make. 818 studios are a great place to make lifelong connections and networks throughout the music industry

main studio

Click here to learn more about the founder of 818