Vindex Poster Advertisement

A promotional piece of advertisement created in Adobe Illustrator telling about what Vindex Design does.

At Vindex Design an illustrated poster such as the one featured above can be used as a form of advertisement or some form of promotional piece. This poster is a representation of our services used as way to show how different objects are created in various platforms across all forms of media. The featured poster can be used as an example for our clients so they can see first hand how we can help market their own business or event.


For this poster it was created using the software Adobe Illustrator. Adobe Illustrator is one of the basic programs that is used in the process of designing a clients piece. In the post it has a variety of shapes and colors to represent how printing comes in various forms. The ink drop and various ink spatters makes it look like something that comes out of a print shop with it colorful appeal. The poster is used as an advertisement that talks about Vindex Design is and does. It has the name of our CEO and a description of what we are capable of accomplishing

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290 Apple Street, Florence, WV

Phone Number:725-678-9012

Fax: 725-987-623