Brielle Woods Design

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Meet The Artist

Photo of a girl with brown hair in front of a pink cloud background.

I have been drawing since a very young age, but graphic design is really where my passion lies. Living in Pennsylvania my whole life, I spend most of my time honing my skills and practicing to become an Art Director in the future. When I am not flexing my creative muscles, I work at the Printing Shop on campus and get to learn about both avenues of the design world.

Education, Certifications, and More

I studied design for three years at Steel Center Tech and now I am enrolled as a freshman at California Unniversity of PA for my bachelors in Graphic Design. My certifications include advanced in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign. Whilst in highschool I joined SKillsUSA where I became a school-wide leader for two years and competed in district and state competions (covid permitting) for three. These competions were based on Pin and Promotional Bulletin Board design and presentations. With my leadership positions I gained experiance by going to conferances that taught me the ins and outs and giving speeches.