Tim Cannon
Founder, Grindhouse Wetware

Tim Cannon is a Software Engineer by day and biohacker by night. Inspired by dystopian science fiction Tim Cannon and his team, Grindhouse Wetware, set out to create devices that would give humans additional senses. On October 19, 2013, Tim became the first human to be implanted with a device built by and for amateurs. Tim is a fervent advocate of open source technology, body autonomy and citizen science.

Grindhouse Wetware was founded January 2012, by what was then a rag tag group of programmers, engineers and enthusiasts. In the short five months that followed, Grindhouse evolved from a group of highly driven individuals on the biohack.me forums, to a dedicated team working towards a common goal - augmenting humanity using safe, affordable, open source technology.

"What would you like to be today?" Grindhouse hardware and software are designed with the hacker in mind. The hardware and software are open source, which allows the user to reconfigure code, add on or take off sensors and generally explore. "Though all hardware can be purchased from the Grindhouse Website, all schematics for our implants and cyberware are open source - the user can either use our schematics to build their custom model from scratch, or purchase our model with a breakout board to get started."

"There are many excellent organizations that are doing very important financial and scientific work for transhumanism. The groundwork for the technology and science we use has been in existence for decades, it is not nanotechnology or advanced Synthetic biology (the technologies that most excite futurists), but anatomy, electrical engineering and programming. At Grindhouse we firmly believe that with imagination and drive, any of us can feel and touch EMF fields, explore its contours, sense the temperature of objects across a room, navigate a room using a sonar sense or even connect your body to the Internet - right now. It is that dream above all that drives us to create."

As explained on the Grindhouse Wetware Website (www.grindhousewetware.com), current projects underway include Bottlenose, Thinking Cap and Circadia.

"Bottlenose takes in a large range of data such as sonar, UV, Wi-Fi and thermal information and translates it to a magnetic field via induction where it interacts with an implanted magnet (usually in the finger)."

"The Thinking Cap v1.0 is the first major release of Grindhouse Wet Wares' implementation of the tDCS (transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and CES (Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation) concepts. The idea is to stimulate your brain with direct current (in the case of tDCS) or with square waves of current (in the case of CES) which can either raise or lower the potential energy of the stimulated neurons, depending on the orientation of electrodes. This allows them to fire more or less easily, and activates or deactivates a given region, thus engaging certain brain states."

"Circadia is an implantable device that can read biomedical data and transmit it to the Internet via Bluetooth. Instead of taking snapshots of your health by visiting a doctor, you can aggregate weeks or months of medical data that you can store for your personal viewing. Messages, warnings, or texts from your android phone to Circadia implant can be displayed via LEDs through your skin."