Welcome to my Social Media Page!!!

Feel free to follow me on any of the following websites! I am very active on all three of these and try to respond in a very timely manner!      

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If you like what you saw on my portfolio page, feel free to give my Facebook a follow, I post many updates and other things on there all the time!!! 
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If you liked the videos you saw then please consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel, where you will see more content posted like you see here on a more consistent basis!!!
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If you liked anything I posted but Facebook isn't your style? Consider following my twitter all the content from my Facebook and YouTube go here as well as recieving live updates on various things I am doing!         

Picture of me with fraternity flag
About Me! 

Learn about my past as well as my various involvements around the community! Come take a look!

Lets Go!
Photo taken by me, included Photoshop and Indesign logos as artwork will feature
My Photos and Art!

Various photography and digital artworks that I've made can be viewed inside here, have a look!

Lets Go!
Mashup of Youtube Thumbnails
My Videos!

If you are interested in watching any of my videos click the button below! All the videos are very unique!

Lets Go!